微软亚太区全球技术支持中心(APGC CSS)为个人用户、开发者、IT专业人员、合作伙伴及企业级用户提供覆盖上百个微软产品的全方位、多元化服务和技术支持,拥有微软各个领域的专家级工程师,是微软在亚洲地区最高技术水平团队之一.中心拥有来自14个不同国家和地区的员工超过900人,分布在亚洲的13个城市中, 总部位于上海。更多信息,请访问:http://www.microsoft.com/china/css
所有工作不满1年的本科生、硕士和博士毕业生,如果你申请微软技术支持工程师(Support Engineer),经过层层选拔,面试成功者将有机会参加MACH项目。
微软技术支持工程师(Support Engineer)主要为微软亚太区企业级客户、合作伙伴,通过电话,邮件,技术论坛,到访等沟通方式,有针对性的对微软核心产品提供系统性的技术诊断及问题解决方案, 协助客户更高效的使用微软产品,提升客户满意度。与美国总部产品组及时反馈客户需求和问题,协助进一步提高产品性能。关于该职位更多信息,请查看Support Engineer的英文职位描述。
MACH 项目(The Microsoft Academy for College Hires )是微软面向全球范围的一项活动,旨在招聘和培养有潜力、有创新意识的毕业生,为市场、销售及客户服务与支持部门输送优秀人才。同时,通过 MACH 项目毕业生能更好、更快地适应工作环境,顺利完成从学生到员工的转变。MACH 项目得奖者将有机会在中国、亚太和美国参加一流的培训,锻炼综合素质。此外,他们还将有机会与微软高层面对面,以及通过微软丰富的资源和渠道,更好地了解全球商业运作经验。更多信息,请访问: http://careers.microsoft.com/careers/en/gbl/mach.aspx#
Main Responsibilities:
1. Customer Issue Resolution & Responsiveness
- Drive the communication with the customer to ensure the customer has confidence on problem resolution provided by Microsoft.
- Technical support to Microsoft Enterprise Premier Customers across the APGC region.
- Resolve critical issues
- Represent Microsoft and achieve high customer satisfaction.
- Use trace, protocol analysis, and other sophisticated tools to analyze problems.
- Act as the second tier support to take the escalation and solve the customer issue from subsidiary.
2. Effective Communication & Collaboration
- Identify the right resource to collaborate with for tough & political hot problem.
- Collaborate with cross-group peers both proactively and reactively.
- Produce quality documentation and share with the appropriate team members and tech lead as appropriate.
3. Training & Readiness
- Identify current knowledge deficiencies/training needs, as well as potential future needs.
- Make effective technical presentations, both internal and external.
- Provide documentation and mentoring to others within your technical specialty.
- Meet with your manager to assess and adjust the plan as needed to match mid- and long-term career plans.
4. Operational Precision
- Adhere to published queue or call back schedule and be available for on-call duty, as necessary.
- Use appropriate documentation and utilization and / or labor tracking methods to account for time.
- Manage and prioritize your workload while keeping team members and management appropriately informed.
- Participate in ad-hoc projects per management request or business need.
• Strong verbal English skill. Professional written English skill is required.
• Excellent communication skill and service skill are expected. Have strong capability of handling tough situations.
• Self-motivation, responsible, team work spirit, good cross-team collaboration skill.
• Passionate for technical support and Microsoft technology
• Honest, proactive and willing to help others
• Willing to learn and take challenges
• Familiar with one or more of the following technology areas will be plus:
- Enterprise Network architecture design and implementation
- Operating System knowledge
- Win32 application development (C, C++, C#, .NET, VB.NET, VB, VC++, OLE, COM/DCOM, CORBA, Delphi, c++builder and etc.) and basic computer knowledge (thread, process, data algorithm, etc.)
- Inter/Intranet application development (IIS, IE, ASP, ASP.NET VBscript/Jscript, VJ++, Java, HTML, AJAX, Websphere, Apache)
- E-commerce Application development (SSL, Public-key, Certificate Server, Authenticode, CryptoAPI, Digital Certificates, Kerberos, Smart Cards Technologies)
- Database knowledge
- Graduate in 2016
微软(Microsoft),是一家总部位于美国的跨国电脑科技公司,是世界PC(Personal Computer,个人计算机)机软件开发的先导,由比尔·盖茨与保罗·艾伦创办于1975年,公司总部设立在华盛顿州的雷德蒙德市(Redmond,邻近西雅图)。以研发、制造、授权和提供广泛的电脑软件服务业务为主。最为著名和畅销的产品为Microsoft Windows操作系统和Microsoft Office系列软件。目前是全球最大的电脑软件提供商
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