VMware威睿2015春季校园技术沙龙 – 上海交通大学
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“我最近两年负责VMware Virtual SAN在中国的一个开发团队。熟悉虚拟化与云计算、计算机存贮系统、分布式系统等技术领域。在加入VMware之前,有多年在EMC、HP等公司的软件研发中心工作经验,曾在多个大型项目中担任架构师或咨询顾问,为电信、银行、运输、金融等行业提供专业技术服务。”
分享题目: 软件定义存贮——VMware Virtual SAN
VMware Virtual SAN是VMware“软件定义的数据中心 (SDDC)”战略中的一个关键产品,它能帮助企业解决当前虚拟化环境中存贮方案面临的诸多问题,例如过高的硬件成本、较低的设备利用率、复杂的存贮管理流程等。Virtual SAN开创性地将存贮虚拟化与vSphere计算虚拟化技术相互融合,在提供高性能和高可用的虚拟存贮的同时,通过直观易用的的管理界面,大大简化了存贮管理流程并降低了系统整体拥有成本。
Speaker2: 毛得辉,威睿工程师
“在我读研期间,偶然的机会去了威睿实习,实习期间做了一些有意思的项目,也深受威睿的工程师文化、工作氛围的感染。毕业时毫不犹豫的选择了威睿。我在威睿中国工作了3年,参与Data Director 2.X, Application Director 6.0 和vRealize Automation 6.X 三款产品的研发。我觉得正是这样一个好的平台,才让我抓住了更多的发展和成长的机会。”
(VMware Cloud Operations Management with Intelligent operations from applications to storage)
About VMware
VMware is the leader in cloud infrastructure, business mobility and virtualization software. A pioneer in the use of virtualization and policy-driven automation technologies, VMware simplifies IT complexity across the entire data center to the virtual workplace, empowering customers with solutions in the software-defined data center to hybrid cloud computing and the mobile workspace.
With 2014 revenues of $6.04 billion, VMware has more than 500,000 customers, 75,000 partners, and 18,000+ employees in 120+ locations around the world. At the core of what we do are our employees who deeply value execution, passion, integrity, customers, and community. Want to be part of a compassionate community that thrives on architecting what’s next in IT? Learn more at vmware.com/careers.
VMware is the leader in cloud infrastructure, business mobility and virtualization software. A pioneer in the use of virtualization and policy-driven automation technologies, VMware simplifies IT complexity across the entire data center to the virtual workplace, empowering customers with solutions in the software-defined data center to hybrid cloud computing and the mobile workspace.
With 2014 revenues of $6.04 billion, VMware has more than 500,000 customers, 75,000 partners, and 18,000+ employees in 120+ locations around the world. At the core of what we do are our employees who deeply value execution, passion, integrity, customers, and community. Want to be part of a compassionate community that thrives on architecting what’s next in IT? Learn more at vmware.com/careers.
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