Subject: [实习] 知名区块链项目NEO招聘 Analysis Intern
Chuangzhitiandi, Building 5, No. 88 Zhengxue Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai,China
一、职位描述 | What you will do
• 通过现有的或者潜在的资源接触或支持优质的区块链项目,挖掘和发展更多对于生态有帮助的项目机会
• 项目和白皮书分析,及时与项目团队沟通,为项目发展提供帮助
• 关注行业信息及行业内机构,参与行业活动
• Discover and develop more projects that would be valuable for NEO ecosystem through touching base existing or potential resources or supporting good-quality blockchain projects
• Review and analyze projects and whitepapers following by communication cross teams and support for projects’ development
• Maintain awareness and knowledge of industry-related developments and take part in industry activities
二、岗位技能要求 | Your skills and experience
• 985,211院校本科及以上学历
• 有项目分析,英文社区运营的经验者优先考虑
• 良好的沟通能力可以顺畅的用技术语言和圈内外人士合作沟通
• 团队合作精神并有独立工作能力
• 跨文化,跨区域,跨行业的沟通与工作能力,与多元化团队协作
• 了解及热爱区块链行业,愿意从事及发展
• 实习时长满足3个月及以上,一周可工作4天
• 英语大学6级以上
• 实习期满表现优异者可留用
• 工资每天200元起
• Bachelor degree or above from China 985, 211 universities
• Working experience on project analysis or English community operations is preferred
• Excellent communication skills with both blockchain and non-blockchain languages
• A good team player with independent thinking capability
• Ability to work with peers and partners from diversified background, e.g. different culture, regions and industries
• Have a certain understanding of blockchain, and willing to engage in the industry and develop it
• Be able to work 4 days a week for at least 3 months
• CET 6 or above
• You will be offered a full-time position if standing out from the team.
• Salary: 200 RMB or above per day
NEO是一个非盈利的社区化的区块链项目由达鸿飞和张铮文创办,是利用区块链技术和数字身份进行资产数字化,利用智能合约对数字资产进行自动化管理,实现“智能经济”的一种分布式网络。 NEO于2014年正式立项,2015年6月在Github上实时开源。我们相信,科技是这个时代变迁的原动力,在这股动力的推动下,我们将迈入新的“智能经济”时代。
访问数量: 6006
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