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[ 2015年5月5日 ]






联系方式:Luis Shek、021-31299132、luis.shek@shejero.com


Trainee Wanted  招聘启事

Position opened 职位:

  1. Management Trainee 管理培训生
  2. Assistant Application Engineer助理应用工程师

Job Description 实习内容

The candidate(s) will receive a specially designed immersive training program under the Project 3iS Tach, Shejero’s award winning smart eyewear R&D program. As a MT (A.AE), the prospective candidate(s) will take part in following exciting tasks include:

学生将参与专门定制的融入式培训计划, 参与Project 3iS Tach中下述相关工作:

  1. Coordinating Engineering and Design teams, assess and associate the finalization of the Project.与项目工程和设计团队合作,跟踪和系统评估各项技术任务的完成度。
  2. Pre-Screening and assessing the functional parts, modules and solutions that build the -zeaL- Smart Glasses. 预选产品器件、模块和软件方案,提供评估报告,维护与供应商和合作商联系。
  3. Preparing keynotes for technical pre-sale events.为项目的技术预售准备材料。


Job Requirement 资质要求:

  1. CET6 or equivalent  具备良好的英文阅读和写作能力 ;
  2. Year 3 or above, majoring in EE,CS and related subjects. 大学三年级或以上,电子信息、工程类等相关专业;
  3. Preferably full time based. 有充足课余时间者优先。

    Above qualification is negotiable to appliers who are especially keen on attending the R&D and commercialization of the first Mass-Market Smart Eyewear.  


Candidature, Stipends and Rewards 津贴与奖励:

  • 6 Months with first 2 months trial period.  试用期两个月,实习期限为半年。
  • 2K per month allowance plus project premium. Lunch box provided. 月津贴2000元外加项目奖励。提供工作午餐。
  • Employment Certificate: Trainee Project Officer (FT/PT with Singapore HQ) 实习证明:实习软件工程师/实习硬件工程师/实习结构

Notes: Two certificates will be issued conditionally to those admitted/successfully pass the candidature.  



Find more about us 想要更多了解,请搜索关键词:

 Shejero   Project 3iS Tach     zeal    Deagle 温小弟


Registration Process 报名流程:

Please send the CV to 请将个人学术简历发送至 


或通过你的辅导员 / 推荐人获得更详尽联系方式。


Shejero Visiontech is a Singapore based R&D company. Renowned for its massive proprietary IP based Project 3iS Tach, the company welcomes new generation technopreneurs to join us and open up a totally new era of industry
新加坡Shejero Visiontech Pte Ltd是传奇企业家半机器人温小弟 Deagle WEN在新联合创始的知名智能产品研发企业。公司在Project 3iS Tach项目上在短短18个月间获得超过十项专利。由此熔炼而成的zeaL有望催生全球最先进入大众消费市场的智能眼镜。马上投递简历,在Shejero开始你的工业新世代创客生涯。


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