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[ 2017年5月31日 ]






联系方式:Linli Qi、13917749789、linli.qi@whiasia.com


Internship Opportunities: IoT Research Associate or Digital Marketing Associate


Sector: Internet / Technology (Industrial Internet of Things 工业物联网)


Location: 338 Nanjing West Road, Shanghai (across from People’s Square)


Compensation: 3,000 RMB / month



Who are we? 我们是谁?

IoT ONE is a technology startup that has quickly become the most trusted source for information about工业物联网, 工业4.0 and 中国制造2025. We use the crowd-sourcing methodologies of Alibaba and Wikipedia to map of the global IIoT ecosystem. Our mission is to be the leading market channel for IIoT solutions, and the primary information source for executives who make transformative business decisions related to the Internet of Things.


What is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)? 工业物联网是什么?

The Internet of Things (IoT) includes all Internet connected devices, from your smartphone to your grandfather’s heart monitor. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) refers to all connected devices used by businesses in manufacturing, logistics, R&D and other areas. It is several times larger than the consumer IoT. Cisco predicts that the IIoT will add $20 trillion dollars to the global economy by 2030. It is simply the most important technology revolution of your career.



What is the role of an IoT Research Associate? 物联网研究助理的职责有哪些?

IoT Research Associates create insight for clients and for the public IoT ONE platform. 


  • Researching, aggregating, and analysing data about IIoT technologies and markets

  • Interviewing industry experts, including senior executives, engineers and entrepreneurs

  • Supporting consulting projects for client companies


What is the role of a Digital Marketing Associate? 数字营销助理的职责有哪些?

Digital Marketing Associates use creative tactics to drive awareness of IoT ONE and our clients. 


  • Creating multimedia digital marketing campaigns for IoT ONE and clients

  • Create innovative thought leadership reports, blogs, infographics and more

  • Managing and continuously improving social media channels



Are you creative, passionate about technology, driven to learn?



If you are interested in becoming an IoT Research Associate or Digital Marketing Associate at IoT ONE, please send your resume and cover letter to 请把你的简历和求职信发到:


Ms. Linli QI

Email: linli.qi@whiasia.com





IoT ONE is a thought leader in Industrial IoT markets. Our mission is to accelerate adoption of Industrial Internet of Things technologies world-wide. We do this by providing business intelligence and go-to-market solutions to Industrial IoT technology providers. We also advise traditional companies on their IoT adoption strategy.

Our headquarters is based in the center of Shanghai at People's Square but we service companies in all major markets globally. 


It is widely believed that Industrial IoT will reshape how the global economy operates. However, the lack of understanding of IoT technologies continues to prevent adoption. Our insight into IoT technologies and markets helps companies to make confident investment decisions in cutting edge IoT solutions.


  1. IoT ONE_Internship JD_20170515.pdf 下载
  2. IoT ONE_Internship JD_20170515.doc 下载
  3. IoT ONE Internship实习岗位.jpg 下载

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